Sunday, June 17, 2018


This last week, I was thinking about my life, and I made few goals. 1 of those goals was to attend the temple more. It has been a while since I went to the House of the Lord, and did his work, and felt of the amazing spirit that is there as soon as I walk in. The Temple is like Heaven on earth. It is the place where we can be closer to God than anywhere else. it literally is the House of the Lord. It says on the outside of EVERY temple the sacred words "House of the Lord, Holiness to the Lord". It is impossible to be in a bad mood, or sad, or depressed, etc. while in the temple. I love the peace that I feel as soon as I see it when driving up the street, let alone when I walk in the doors.
so, it is a new goal of mine to attend the temple every week,. I will be setting out a day every week to make time for the Lord and attend the Temple.  I am so blessed here in Las Vegas to have a temple so close, and yet I have made every excuse as to why I have not attended. it is time to cut the excuses, and make time. drive the 30 min to the most beautiful place in this whole city. I know that as I do, my life we be 10x better than it already is. here is a little video on what the temple is and what we do in the temple. I hope you all enjoy, and if any of your reading this have a Temple recommend, you are welcome to join me in going to the temple, if you can't go with me, I would urge you to go, go as often as you can.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

A New Day

so, I know I haven't posted in a while. I was on my way home tonight from a fireside, and I was listening to some church music on my drive, and a song called "a new day" came on by Jessie Clark Funk. and I had the thought, "I should start up my blog again" so, here I am doing it.

Anyways, the song is about how a new day is born everyday. and how it promises to bring us light and life.

the second verse of this song, talks about the first vision, and how Joseph Smith woke up one morning, in the spring of 1820 and it was just an ordinary day, and then something extraordinary happened. something that changed the world. the first vision happened. the single most important event that has happened in the last 200 + years. where a 14 year boy (Joseph Smith) woke up one spring morning, and walked into the grove of trees behind his home, and asked God which church was true.

lets rewind a little bit. one night Joseph was reading in the Bible as he often did, and he read James chapter 1: 5-6 "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed." I love verse 6, it tells us to not only ask but ask in faith. and that is exactly what Joseph did. he not only asked God, but he asked in faith. he asked with the simple faith of a 14 year old boy. 
so, basically what im trying to say, is we should way up everyday, with the knowledge that it is a new day, and that new day is a gift from a loving Heavenly Father. and that although we may wake up, feeling like it is an ordinary day, it has the potential to become something extraordinary! if we are willing to make it that way. we have the Gospel because Joseph Smith woke up that morning, with the faith that something extraordinary could happen, and it did. 
here is a link to that song, it is such a great song, and has such a great message! 
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. and remember every day is a new day that has the potential to become extraordinary.