Sunday, November 17, 2019

TOFW 2019

Hello Everyone!
last weekend i went to this really great event called Time Out For Women. my mom, aunt, Sister, and I all went. it was an amazing experience. we have been going for quite a few years now. The theme for this year was "Hear"... it was about different ways we receive revelation and how we can listen and follow that revelation.

Deuteronomy 4:36.

  " 36 Out of heaven he made thee to hear his voice, that he might ainstruct thee: and upon earth he bshewed thee his great fire; and thou heardest his words out of the midst of the fire." 

There were so many great speakers. Here are a few of the highlights.

  • Make silence (away from phones, etc.) a priority.
  • Remember, God is aware of you!
  • Sometimes the way we receive personal revelation is more important then the personal revelation itself

  • Trust him enough to choose.
  • "I'm not perfect, but i was never meant to be.
  • God can create beauty from ashes.
  • Live with your eyes to the heavens
  • Stand ye still, for the battle is not yours its Gods.
  • For revelation to start working in your life, all you need is need.
  • the Lord will us any way he can to communicate with us, he will meet us in our "places" 
  • Pay close attention to what the Lord is teaching you.
  • Stop praying that God will take the storm away, and start inviting him to walk through it with you.
  • knowing how to listen is just as important as learning how to speak
  • Never let yourself get so distracted to pray with intent. 
  • take notes when you pray.
  • the more we listen to the more we learn to recognize his voice.
  • listen to the music of the spirit, the music of Heaven.
  • if there be ears to hear, there shall be revelation to experience.
  • don't talk back when Heavenly Father tells you that you've done a good job.
i would like to talk a little bit about a couple of those highlights.

First, "Make Silence a priority". We Need to make silence in our lives, where we can just sit, and listen to what the Lord has to tell us. if we are too busy with technology and running around etc. we can not receive that revelation that the Lord is trying to tell us, because we are too busy with the hustle and bustle of life, and the noises of the world that we can hear him. 

Second,  "Trust him enough to choose" one of the speakers told a story about the revelation that she received when she asked if she was to marry her husband, side note: he proposed to her in the Celestial room of the Temple, (i love that and have always said that, that is how i wanted to be proposed to, he took my idea lol) anyways, when he proposed she hadn't quite asked if it was right, and so she prayed really quickly there in her head, and the answer that she got really surprised her. "you choose" those were the 2 words that she heard. so, he trusted her enough to know that she would make the right decision for herself. sometimes, in our lives we ask him for things and we get that same answer, sometimes in different words, but the same revelation, for us to choose for ourselves what we should do. we need to pray with intent, the way that i pray for answers to things and choices that i need to make are this: i ponder and think about the decision that i need to make, and i make that decision, then i pray and tell Heavenly Father what decision i have made, and basically tell him if it is not right, stop me! and every single time, if is not right he has stopped me. he gave us agency for a reason, and we need to use that wonderful gift that was given. we just need to trust him enough to choose. 

The third and last one I would like to talk about is, "Don't talk back when Heavenly Father tell you that you've done a good job" too many times we doubt ourselves, especially spiritually. we get down on ourselves and compare ourselves to others, "shes prettier than me, shes such a great mother, and I'm not, look at all of these people that are married with families, something must be wrong with me.  etc." but in reality nothing is wrong with us, we are doing everything right, Heavenly Father just has a different plan for us than we had for ourselves. So, we need to stop talking down to ourselves, and Don't talk back when he says we are doing a good job. 

PS: i got to meet and take a picture with one of my heroes. Mary Ellen Edmunds, she has spoken at almost every TOFW i have been to, and she is just so amazing! if you have not heard of her, look her up, you will not be disappointed! 

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