Sunday, January 11, 2015

Joseph, the earthly father of Christ

so, today's post is going to be on our Sunday school lesson from today. mainly about what a great man Joseph the carpenter (Christ's earthly father) was/is.  we went over Matt 1/ Luke 1 today. and talked about when the angel came to Elisabeth and Zacharias. and Mary and Joseph.
Now, Joseph was of Royal blood. and when he found out that Mary was pregnant, and according to the law he could have accused her of violating the marriage covenant and brought her to a public trial. such a trial could have resulted in a death sentence. Rather than do this, he decided to release her privately from the marriage contract. this was before the angel has appeared to him to tell him that Mary was pregnant with the son of god. there could not have been a better man chosen to help raise Jesus Christ, the Son of God. i could not imagine if Joseph would have gone with the law and gone through with the trial. what would have happened? have you ever thought of that? i hadn't until today in Sunday school. and that made me think what an amazing man Joseph was! and how we are all part of something bigger. Just as Joseph was part of something bigger and made a decision that changed his life forever and would've taken a completely different turn, so do we make decision everyday that change our lives for good or for bad, depending on the what we choose. if Joseph had decided to turn Mary in the whole plan of the Father would have been ruined. Oh how great the goodness of our God! that he can help us make decisions everyday in our lives just as Joseph made. we would not have the opportunity to return to our heavenly father if Joseph had not had the love for Mary and the influence of the holy ghost to help him make the decision that he did to not send Mary to trial.
i have attached the genealogy of Jesus Christ through Joseph.
Matthew 1:1–17 begins the Gospel, "A record of the origin of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham: Abraham begot Isaac…" and continues on until "…and Jacob begot Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Christ."

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