Sunday, September 30, 2018

Happy Sunday!

Hello everyone! Happy Sunday!
im was trying to think of what I was going to write on tonight on my way home from a fireside, and honestly I couldn't figure it out. I still don't know. So, I am sitting here on my balcony in this beautiful weather, with some areas and a root beer and im just letting my fingers do the talking. lol hopefully the spirit will guide them to type something that will help others as they read this blog. I not only created this blog to help others but to help me as I go along in this thing we call life.

next week, is general conference. I look forward to General Conference every 6 months. and sometimes I am able to go. there is no greater feeling in the world than being in that conference center, standing with thousands of other followers of Christ as our beloved Prophet walks in the room. the whole feeling changes. the feeling of the conference center is amazing as it is, but when the Prophet and the Apostles walk into the room it instantly changes. I love everything about General Conference from the music to the speakers to the prayers that are said on our behalf.

Every time I think about General Conference I think of what I call the first General Conference. on April 6, 1830, in the small town of Fayette, NY on the Farm of Peter Whitmer. where The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints officially became a church. In 1830, you needed 6 people to become a church. and so, there were 6 men that officially that signed the paperwork to officially become a church.

The Restoration of The Gospel is very near and dear to my heart, as many of you already know but some may not, I was a missionary in western NY just over 10 years ago (2005-2007) and I served at the church historical sites there in Palmyra, which include the smith fam (incl, 2 homes and the sacred grove), the Book of Mormon publication site (the granin bldg), the Hill Cumorah and its visitors center, and the Peter Whitmer farm (visitors center, and Peter Whitmer Home) which I actually lived in an apartment on.

That beautiful day of April 6, 1830, is such a special day. there were several baptisms, the sacrament was passed, the Prophet Joseph Smith spoke. while, we  don't have baptisms happen anymore during General Conference, we still get to hear our current Prophet speak, and we get to feel that same spirit that those early members of the church were able to feel on that spring day.

this is a photo of the Peter Whitmer Home where the church was organized.

here is a podcast where they are speaking with Larry C. Porter. who we used to call the encyclopedia of church history. and I was lucky enough to serve with. he and his wife were some of the senior missionaries that I was lucky enough to serve with. I learned so much about church history from him. so, give this a listen, if you want to learn everything about the organization of the Church. It really is amazing the miracles that happened to help the Restoration happen, from the preparation of Young Joseph to receive The First Vision, to the miracles that had to happen for the translation of the Book of Mormon, to the organization of the Church on April 6, 1830.

here ya go :)

organization of the church

I know that this great historical event happened, I know that Joseph Smith was and is a Prophet of the Living god, and that Russell M. Nelson is our living Prophet today, and that the Lord speaks to us through his prophets and reveals great things through them.

I look forward to hearing from our prophet, and hearing of all the wonderful things that are happening to help the work of the Lord more forward.  I hope you all will be watching it also, and will feel of the spirit as our Prophet and Apostles and the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints speak to us. I look forward to next week, when I get to write about all the great things that are happened, are happening and are going to happen.

also, as most of you already know, tomorrow is the 1 years anniversary of the shooting here in Las Vegas, that claims the lives of 58 innocent people, and changed the lives of thousands of others. may we remember those lives lost, and changed that day forever. I thank my Heavenly Father every day that I was not there, as I was wanting to go, and had many friends that were there. but I last minute decided against it, and decided to go to Utah, to my mission reunion, and to conference instead. I had just gotten back into town when I got the call from a friend to turn on the news, and then helped a phone tree go on for a circle of friends that I have to make sure that everyone was ok, and lucky they were. every time I think about it, I think "I was supposed to be there, but by some divine intervention I was not" and I can't help but think that if I decided to o to the concert instead of going to Utah, I would not be here writing this today.

I love you all and I pray for you everyday. I know God lives, and that he loves every single one of us, and knows us and is there for us NO MATTER WHAT!

Good Night Everyone:)

Watch Conference Next weekend! if you don't know what time, channel, etc. here is the link to the church website where you can find all of that information, and sisters, don't forget that we have our General Women's meeting on Saturday evening.  :)

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