Sunday, November 15, 2015

plan of happiness/plan of salvation

    so, i apologize for not updating for a while life has been kinda crazy lately. my baby/dog "Minnie" is very sick. i have taken her to 2 different vets, the first one just gave me some antibiotics and sent me on my way, the second one said she had pneumonia really bad. and treatment is too expensive so I'm trying to treat her at home with better antibiotics and lots and lots of love and we will see what the outcome is. i love her so much but if she is supposed to go then she is supposed to go and i have embraced that. because all dogs go to heaven right? i think so.
    anyways, on to the plan of salvation. last week my mother was visiting my grandparents in their assisted living home and my grandmother said to her "I'm going to see my mom and dad soon" which makes me think that she is going to pass through the veil soon and be on the other side with her parents and the rest of our loved ones that have passed on. i am so grateful for the Gospel and knowing what we know and for the great plan of happiness or Salvation. we know the we chose all of this before we came here to earth. we know that there was a great war in heaven long before the earth was created.
     we know that there were 2 plans created and Lucifer's and Christs. Lucifer's plan was that we would all make it back to our Heavenly Father that we would have no choice in the matter. and Christs plan was that we would come to earth, that we would have a wonderful thing called agency. that we would be able to choose our way back home. by a majority vote we chose the latter of the two and chose Christs plan. unfortunately there was a third of the host of heaven that chose to follow Lucifer or Satan. there fore they were denied the blessings of coming to earth and receiving a body and participating in this wonderful plan and eventually gaining eternal life and making it back home.     so, we made it here to earth everyone on earth kept their first estate. now, it is up to us to keep our second estate. which means making the right choices, being baptized into the church of Jesus Christ by the proper authority (the priesthood) and making the amazing covenants that we make in the temple. the temple is the closest that we can be to heaven here in earth. it truly is the house of the Lord. it is the one place that we can be sealed to our families forever. when we are married/sealed in the temple we are sealed together for eternity not just til death do us part. it is so comforting in times like this to know that we can be with our families and our loved ones even after death. that we do go somewhere after we die. therefore we are less afraid of death.
the spirit world is so close. we know that it is also here, that the spirit world is around us. it is not a different universe or place. they are all around us, watching over us. so, it comes to no surprise that many of those that pass on, often see their loved ones that have passed on before them as they go.
ex: Emma Smiths last words before she died were "Joseph, Joseph, I'm coming, I'm coming" and my grandmother knowing that she is going to see her parents soon. as heartbreaking as it is for us here on earth, i can only imagine that it is a lovely reunion with the loved ones that have passed on before us.
it is very comforting to know what we know about death and the resurrection and the afterlife and what we can have if we only choose what we know is right and choose to follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ. like Alma says "if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear"
      so today's lesson is, let us prepare for the last days, let us not procrastinate the day of our repentance. because today is the day to prepare to meet God. therefore let us live everyday as if we were going to see our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in the flesh.
i know that as we do, we will be prepared to receive the blessings that we chose to come here and work so hard to receive. that we will be able to live with our Heavenly Father and our loved ones again. as hard as it gets we can still choose to do what we have to do to get what want the most.
and i say this in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Happy Sunday everyone!

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