Sunday, May 12, 2019

Are we not all Mothers?

Man oh Man am I bad at updating this thing. especially this semester, my homework has been due every Sunday night all semester by 11:59, so I'm going to use that as an excuse as to why I haven't updated my blog in a while. lol
anyways, to day is mothers day. I have a Love/hate relationship with mothers day. I love celebrating my wonderful mother and the many great mothers in my life, but it always makes me sad when it comes around and I am still not a mother. it makes me wonder if I will be able to be a mother in this life. I do have faith that even if I don't get the opportunity to be a mother in this life, but I keep my covenants that I have made with my Heavenly Father I will have all of the same blessings as everyone else. and hopefully I will have the opportunity to be a mother at least in the next life. 
on this mothers day I am going to keep this short at sweet, because Sheri Dew says it better than I could ever dream of, in her talk "are we not all Mothers?" it is one of the most amazing talks that I have heard, and listen to it every mothers day. it helps me to feel better about the fact that I am not a mother. 
I may not be a mother (yet) but I will be the BEST aunt to the greatest children on the planet, and a great sister to my amazing sibling and the best daughter to the BEST parents to ever exist.  and the best Dog Mom I can be ;) I love my wonderful family more than anything! 

here is the talk by Sheri Dew "Are we not all Mothers?"