Sunday, January 25, 2015

matthew chapter 8

hey everyone! i apologize for not posting last week. i totally forgot to post Sunday. then i meant to post Monday to make it up and totally forgot that and before you know it. its Sunday again.
well its Sunday and my birthday which means its a good day.
today i was at my parents house and we were hanging out for my birthday and i stayed for scripture study. they are studying the new testament and are in Matthew. they read Matthew 8 which is the chapter where Christ heals the lepers, calms the tempest storm, and casts out devils into swine.
i want to talk about casting out the devils. there was a war in heaven where 1/3rd of the host of heaven followed Satan and they will never receive a mortal body, which is what they want more than anything. they will do anything they can to possess a body which is why they went into the swine. we need to be careful what we let in. Satan and his followers know us they knew us when we were all together in heaven. they are very good at tempting us. we always something that we have over Satan and his followers. we have a body! we need to surround ourselves with people and influences that influence us for good not bad. i know that when we have the Holy Ghost with us as our companion those "devils" can not be there. I'm sorry that its so short tonight but its pretty much short sweet and to the point. just know that Satan can not be where there is good. and if for some reason you ever come in contact with one of those evil spirits, just bring your right arm to the square and command them the leave in the name of Jesus Christ, and they will HAVE to leave. hopefully you never come in contact with any of them. always stay worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost.
now to end one of my favorite quotes in the world is....
always remember that there is one thing that you will always have over Satan and his followers.

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