Sunday, March 29, 2015

follow the prophet

today i went out to Logandale and wen to to church at my sisters ward. my niece just so happened to be speaking in primary:) she did so good! she spoke on following the prophet. and with conference coming up i thought it would be a good topic for tonight's post.

why should we follow the prophet?
here are just a few reasons.
1. because he communications directly with God on what the church needs
the prophets full time job is to be in constant communication with God, he talks to him all day every day. he doesn't get any time off from being the prophet. being a prophet is full time job and it is not easy.
2. Christs church is built on the foundation of prophets and apostles. if we did not have a prophet on the earth today. i can tell you it would not be organized, we would not be able to do the things that do now without any direction. for example, you have seen the difference between children that grow up with parents that lead and guide them, and those that don't have those parents. sometime they find their way but it takes them much longer and it is much harder. God is very organized and always has been.
3. the Prophet is not allowed to lead us astray. if the prophet were to tell us to do something that was against Gods will. he would not allow him to be the prophet anymore.
Preach my Gospel states: those who listen to and follow the counsel of living prophets and apostles will not go astray. the teaching s of the living prophets provide and anchor of eternal truth in a world of shifting values and help us avoid misery and sorry. the confusion and strife of the world will not overwhelm us, and we an enjoy the assurance of being in harmony with God's will.
so, as we watch the prophets and apostles speak this coming weekend may we keep those and many more reasons to follow the prophet in mind. i know that we have a prophet on the each to day that will NEVER lead us astray, i know that he will only lead us to God, and to do right.
please watch conference this weekend and keep an open heart to everything that he says. i know i will:)
Happy Sunday and have a great week!

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