Sunday, August 30, 2015

women in the scriptures

so a questions was raised. why are there not more women named in the Book of Mormon?
well, i believe that some women do not need to be names in the scriptures. but i also believe that maybe, while writing the scriptures the Lord and those prophets knew that there were going to be people that would do everything that they could to discredit the Book of Mormon and its truthfulness. and part of doing so they were going to try to discredit and us the names of those mentioned in it, and they loved their wives and mothers so much that they wanted to give those people little room to say anything about them. i believe that is also why we don't hear much mentioned about or know the name of our Heavenly Mother. i believe that our Heavenly Father knew that people were going to take his name in vain (even though they would be breaking a commandment) and he loves our Heavenly Mother so much that he did not want that to happen to her.
i get so tired of people talking about how women don't get the credit they deserve in the scriptures and in the church. but in reality we get a lot more credit with things than the men do. we get praised every time the leaders speak about the women in the church. our Heavenly Father and our Leaders hold us women so high and love us so much. but sometimes we let society get to us and lead us to believe that is not the case. i urge all of you to as you watch conference in a month and listen to our leaders, try to count how many times women are talked about and held at high esteem by them.
I know that our Heavenly Father loves us women so much. and i hope that all of you other sisters in the world will come to realize that.
i have found a great article on women in the book of Mormon. and it has actually inspired me to read the Book of Mormon looking for things like she did in this article.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

small enough

so, i haven't been on here in quite a while. I've been seriously slacking! I'm sorry about that.
so, I'm sitting here watching the movie "Charly" trying to figure out what i was going to write about tonight. and i thought about today's lesson in young women's. about families. so, tonight i am going to write about how families can be together forever!
there is a line in the movie that says "God didn't promise that i would live, he promised that we would be together forever" that line is so touching to me. marriage has been a difficult topic for me for a few years now. since i am getting older, and it is seeming more and more probable that i will not get married. i pray everyday that i will meet my husband that day. and i try to trust in the Lord and his timing, but sometimes it is just so difficult. one thing i know is that my Heavenly Father loves me and he is mindful of me, and as hard as it is sometimes to swallow. i know that i will meet the man of my dreams. and as for now i will be the best daughter, sister, aunt, niece, granddaughter etc. that i can be. i know that families can and will be together forever!!! i know that with all my heart.
there is another line in this movie that touches my heart, when Charly is baptized they are at the christus at temple square and she says " you believe it, Don't you? and he says, No... I Know it"  some times i ask why, we all do, sometimes God doesn't tell us why. sometimes we will never know why, sometimes we just need to trust that He knows what he is doing and we are following his guidance.
i know that we were not put here to walk this earth alone. we have the one that knows us better than we know ourselves to walk with us everyday if we will have him. President Monson's talk here is about that and how we can always pray to him and he Will be there. We will NEVER be alone. 

there is a song by Mindy Gledhill that i found on my mission. that whenever i am feeling alone and that i don't know if he is with me or cares. i like to listen to it. i say this prayer, just to know that he is here. "...i don't need the strength of Samson, or Chariot in the end, just want to know that you still know how many hairs are on my head, Oh great God, Be small enough to hear me now..." 

i know that he always was, is , and will be with me throughout my life. i know that he does the same for you. i know that we can be with our families and those we love forever! i know He lives, and that he loves us, and that we may not always know "why" but we must trust that he does and that he knows what he is doing.