Sunday, August 30, 2015

women in the scriptures

so a questions was raised. why are there not more women named in the Book of Mormon?
well, i believe that some women do not need to be names in the scriptures. but i also believe that maybe, while writing the scriptures the Lord and those prophets knew that there were going to be people that would do everything that they could to discredit the Book of Mormon and its truthfulness. and part of doing so they were going to try to discredit and us the names of those mentioned in it, and they loved their wives and mothers so much that they wanted to give those people little room to say anything about them. i believe that is also why we don't hear much mentioned about or know the name of our Heavenly Mother. i believe that our Heavenly Father knew that people were going to take his name in vain (even though they would be breaking a commandment) and he loves our Heavenly Mother so much that he did not want that to happen to her.
i get so tired of people talking about how women don't get the credit they deserve in the scriptures and in the church. but in reality we get a lot more credit with things than the men do. we get praised every time the leaders speak about the women in the church. our Heavenly Father and our Leaders hold us women so high and love us so much. but sometimes we let society get to us and lead us to believe that is not the case. i urge all of you to as you watch conference in a month and listen to our leaders, try to count how many times women are talked about and held at high esteem by them.
I know that our Heavenly Father loves us women so much. and i hope that all of you other sisters in the world will come to realize that.
i have found a great article on women in the book of Mormon. and it has actually inspired me to read the Book of Mormon looking for things like she did in this article.

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