Sunday, November 25, 2018

personal scripture study

hello everyone! so sorry I haven't posted for the past couple of weeks. I've been out of town the past couple of weekends. but now I'm back :)

today I taught the lesson in relief society, since it was 4th Sunday, the lesson was on the specific topic given by the prophet, this month it was on personal scripture study. we didn't have very many sisters in RS today, so we had a small discussion on the scriptures in general and our personal scripture study. we talked about things that help us to get the most out of our scripture study. we talked about the blessings that we have received and can receive because of our personal scripture study.
look up the lesson, here is the link.

we discussed the scriptures that are listed there, and what they all had to do with each other and our personal scriptures study.

one of the great sisters in my wards comment was pretty amazing. she spoke about a blessing that she received because she followed what the Lord asked her to do, and read and studies the scriptures daily. she is a lawyer, and when she first moved here to LV, she was going to take the bar, and she hadn't really studied, because she passed the one in Utah easily, but the NV one was a little harder and she didn't pass it the first time. so she went to the Lord and asked for help, and asked him what she could do to be able to pass. and she got the impression that she needed to make sure she studied the scriptures daily, and she would pass the bar. so she did just that, she studied the scriptures daily, and sure enough she went back to take the bar again, and she passed. so, that was a faith builder for her, that because she had done what the Lord asked her to do and studied her scriptures, she was able to pass the bar, and is now a lawyer here in NV.

I shared this video that has always touched my heart, because of the place that it is in. it is the video for president Monson sharing his testimony at the Grandin building in Palmyra, NY. he is talking about the miracle of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, and how that sacred text has touched the lives of many.

I am going to end my blog post with that video, and tell you all that I KNOW that the Scriptures are true, that they are sacred text, that they are a guideline for our lives, and that if we read, ponder, and pray as we study them, that we will be blessed, and that they will show us ALL things that we should do! and that we will be blessed beyond measure as we follow what the prophets have told us in those scriptures.

I say this in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

(I know, I know its a really short post. I'm sorry. ill post a better one next week)

Sunday, November 4, 2018


Ok, first, sorry I missed the last 2 weeks last week, I had just gotten back in town, and the week before, I don't remember why I didn't blog. But, I'm back now :)

So, this week I was trying to figure out what to write about, and decided I would write a little about our Country, and how amazing it is, and how we need to get out there and exercise our right to vote.
here is a letter that was read over every pulpit of the church during the 2016 Election.

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

As citizens we have the privilege and duty of electing office holders and influencing public policy. Participation in the political process affects our communities and nation today and in the future. We urge Latter-day Saints to be active citizens by registering, exercising their right to vote, and engaging in civic affairs.

We also urge you to spend the time needed to become informed about the issues and candidates you will be considering. Along with the options available to you through the Internet, debates, and other sources, the Church occasionally posts information about particular moral issues on which it has taken a position at

Principles compatible with the gospel may be found in various political parties, and members should seek candidates who best embody those principles.

While the Church affirms its institutional neutrality regarding political parties and candidates, individual members should participate in the political process. The Church also affirms its constitutional right of expression on political and social issues.

Sincerely yours,

Thomas S. Monson
Henry B. Eyring
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
The First Presidency

this letter is still true today, we need to make sure that we are registered to vote, and that we get out there and vote. nothing is going to change, unless we vote, and make our voice heard. 

we live the last days, where as Joseph Smith Prophesied, the Constitution is hanging by a thread, and we need to save it. it is up to us. 

he prophesied man times about this happening. here are a few of the quotes:

“Even this nation will be on the verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground and when the Constitution is on the brink of ruin this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction.” (Joseph Smith Papers, LDS Church Historical Archives, Box 1, March 10, 1844.)

 “The government is fallen and needs redeeming. It is guilty of Blood and cannot stand as it now is but will come so near desolation as to hang as it were by a single hair!!!!! Then the servants goes [sic] to the nations of the earth, and gathers the strength of the Lord’s house! A mighty army!!!!!! And this is the redemption of Zion when the saints shall have redeemed that government and reinstated it in all its purity and glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” (George A. Smith Papers, Church Archives, Box 7, Folder 5, January 21, 1841.)

“the time would come when the constitution and government would hang by a brittle thread and would be ready to fall into other hands but this people the latter-day saints will step forth and save it.” (James Burgess Journal, 1818–1904, Church Archives, vol. 1—found among loose sermons.)

“the time would come that the Constitution and the country would be in danger of an overthrow and said he, if the constitution be saved at all, it will be by the Elders of this Church. I believe this is about the language as nearly as I can recollect it.” (JD, 6:150.)

NOW is the time! it is up to US, to save this promised land. 

The United States of America is a promised land, just as Christ told the Nephites, one of my favorite scriptures is in 2 Nephi 1:6-7

6 "Wherefore, I, Lehi, prophesy according to the workings of the Spirit which is in me, that there shall none come into this land save they shall be brought by the hand of the Lord.

7 Wherefore, this land is consecrated unto him whom he shall bring. And if it so be that they shall serve him according to the commandments which he hath given, it shall be a land of liberty unto them; wherefore, they shall never be brought down into captivity; if so, it shall be because of iniquity; for if iniquity shall abound cursed shall be the land for their sakes, but unto the righteous it shall be blessed forever. 

It is our fault if we let this country fail, when we think that we don't have voice, and so we just don't vote, we are letting the other side win, we DO have a voice, our vote DOES matter. 

This country is a blessed land , blessed above all other lands. it is because of this great country and the freedoms that we sometimes take or granted, that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was restored. We were the country that had religious freedom, so, Joseph Smith was able to go to a grove of trees and ask which church to join, and in result of that simple, humble prayer, the Gospel of Jesus Christ was Restored to the earth once more, and has now grown to over 16 million members. and is still growing so fast. 

I Love this great country that I was lucky enough to be born in, and I love this Gospel of Jesus Christ, that I was also, lucky enough to be born into, and taught my entire life. I know that The Gospel of Jesus Christ is true, I know that this country is the greatest country on earth, an that it will continue to be the greatest country on earth, because the Righteous always win! we can and will win! lets not let the save our constitution, lets keep this land blessed forever! 

Now, if you have not already, get out there and vote on Tuesday! 

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

if you would like the site for the quotes from Joseph Smith, here it is. it is a really good read you should read it.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Oh, that I were and angel

ok, so first I will report on the social media fast that I have been on. it has been really great actually, and a lot easier than I thought it would be. I deleted all of my social media apps off of my phone, and I don't even think to get on them on the computer. the only app that I kept was the "pages" app for facebook to that I can still manage the business pages for work. but I can't see anything personal from there. only the business pages. so, it has been a week since I started it, and I have gotten a lot done, because I have not been distracted with facebook and instagram, I have been doing "fall cleaning" (like spring cleaning but fall) haha. I have just felt better in general, it is kind of a relief to not have those. so, I think when I get back on, I will definitely limit the time that I spend on social media. 

Now, to the real subject that I am blogging about today. so, my parents were speaking in their ward today, and I was asked last minute to pinch hit and sing. I was asked yesterday evening and their ward starts at 9 am. so I didn't have long to learn a song. its a good thing that I have the best accompanist in the world that always plays the piano for my family and i. she has been playing for us for close to 20 years. and we are so happy to have her. 

My parents talks were amazing! as always! and I was told that by the entire ward, and so were they. I had several people come up to me and say it was the best program ever, and that they should speak every week ;) 

My dad kind of chose my song, he said that when he found out that I was singing, that it was the song that came to his mind. I had heard it a handful of times, but not enough to really know it, and I had always heard men sing it. so, I was kind of nervous about learning it. because I had such little time. but I practiced and practiced and practiced, and prayed that the angels would be with me as I sang, that it would sound good, and that I would convey the message across to the congregation. 

The lyrics to the song are a scripture in Alma chapter 29 verse 1 it reads... 

O that I were an angel, and could have the wish of mine heart, 
that I might go forth and speak with the trump of God, 
with a voice to shake the earth, and cry repentance unto every people! 

I started to think about the lyrics of the song as I was practicing it, THAT I MIGHT GO FORTH AND SPEAK WITH THE TRUMP THE TRUMP OF GOD, WITH A VOICE TO SHAKE THE EARTH, AND CRY REPENTANCE UNTO EVERY PEOPLE! how powerful is that, to to only speak with a trump, which is already loud, but the Trump of GOD, with a voice that with shake the earth. and cry repentance. it made me reflect on my mission, and how I cried repentance every day for 18 months. and it was amazing, but just imagine if I could speak with the Trump of God. how many people would listen. you can't not hear a trump, it was very loud, and very powerful! 

You also do not need to have that little black name tag, to do missionary work, to cry repentance unto the people around us. to our friends and family.
he goes on to say 

Yea, I would declare unto every soul, as with the voice of thunder, repentance and the plan of redemption, that they should repent and come unto our God, that there might not be more sorrow upon all the face of the earth.

But behold, I am a man, and do sin in my wish; for I ought to be content with the things which the Lord hath allotted unto me.
I love how he goes on and says, that he would declare to every people with the voice of thunder. " but behold, I am a man and do sin in my wish: for I ought to be content with the things which the Lord hath allotted unto me." 
As much as we can with we were angels and cry repentance with the voice of thunder, we are not that yet. we are only men and women, humans, and as Alma, I sin in my wish to be an angels. we shouldn't have to wish to be angels to be able to preach to gospel, NOW is the time to do it. we need to get out of our comfort zones, and use the gifts that we have been given to help the work along. 
In my moms talk today she talked about how we draw circles, and we hope that we don't get a calling that will take us out of that circle, and that we should get out of those circles and out of our comforts zones. I like to say that we have our own little bubbles, and we need to pop those bubbles. we need to pop them in order to grow. sometimes we are asked to o things that we may not "want" to do, or don't think we "can" do. sometimes we are asked to do things that we aren't necessarily comfortable doing, like talking to our friends and family about the gospel. and sometime we are asked to do things and were not sure why we were asked to do them.  just like when I was asked last minute to sing, and sing a song I didn't have much time to prepare. but we can do hard things, and we are blessed when we do them.  we are blessed more than we know. 
One of my favorite scripture and the scripture that I put on my missionary plague is in Doctrine and Covenants 18:15-16  
 15 And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!
16 And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!
If we work and work and work and preach and preach and preach, and we only bring but ONE should unto Him, how GREAT shall be our joy in the kingdom of God. ONE SOUL! just ONE! sometimes we may tell ourselves they won't listen to me, they don't wanna hear about church, what if they don't want to be my friend anymore? all of the what ifs that we have, will never compare to the joy that we will have if we use what the Lord has allotted us and bring but ONE should unto Christ, how GREAT shall be our joy in the Kingdom of God! 
I know that we can do hard things, and that we can and most like are already (without even knowing it) helping to bring should unto Christ, we may not know it yet, or see the outcome yet, but we will see it and it will all be worth it! 
So, lets get out of those circles that we have drawn, and pop those bubbles, and do those hard things that He asks of us, even if we don't know why. we will be blessed, and our joy with be GREAT! 
in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

General Conference challenge

Hello Everyone! Happy Sunday! I hope you all are doing well, and I hope you were able to watch General Conference this weekend, if not you can watch it now at and it will be out in print in next months Ensign.

I just listened to President Nelson speak to the sisters of the church. He extended a prophetic plea to us as sisters to help shape the future by helping to gather scattered Israel.

He offered us 4 Invitations:

1. participate in a 10 day fast from social media and any other media that brings negative and impure thoughts to our minds. record and follow through with each impression we receive after doing that.
 this is going to be so hard for me, as I am a very social person, and social media is part of my work. I am going to have to only get on for work purposes, and have some serious self discipline to not get on my personal page. wish me luck ;) and I will see you in 10 days. lol

2. read and finish the Book of Mormon before the end of the year.  Mark each verse that mentions or refers to the savior, and talk about it with our family and friends. the promised blessings are amazing. (refer to video posted at the end of the blog)

3. establish a pattern of regular temple attendance. more amazing promised blessings.  I have been working on getting a schedule for myself to attend the temple regularly, and this is just what I needed to help bring that along.

4. participate fully in relief society. this used to be so hard from, but when I moved into the ward that I am in now, I have felt so welcome and so needed, and so loved since the first day I walked into the Relief Society room. I love going to Relief Society now, like I have never loved it before, (even when I was RS President). I look forward to Relief Society, and the activities etc. that we have.

I have posted this talk for your viewing and I urge you to watch it and listen to the prophetic words that were said. even if you saw it already, it wouldn't hurt to listen to it again.


I will probably not be posting next week, as I will not be on social media, well, maybe I can post on blogger, just not on facebook, so if you would like to see my post next week, you'll have to go through blogger, and not facebook and I will post it on facebook when the fast is finished.

I pray that all of you will join me in doing the 4 invitations that President Nelson gave to us sisters last night. Men, you are welcome to join also, I'm sure it would be good for you ;) I will talk to you all in 10 days.

Good Night!

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Happy Sunday!

Hello everyone! Happy Sunday!
im was trying to think of what I was going to write on tonight on my way home from a fireside, and honestly I couldn't figure it out. I still don't know. So, I am sitting here on my balcony in this beautiful weather, with some areas and a root beer and im just letting my fingers do the talking. lol hopefully the spirit will guide them to type something that will help others as they read this blog. I not only created this blog to help others but to help me as I go along in this thing we call life.

next week, is general conference. I look forward to General Conference every 6 months. and sometimes I am able to go. there is no greater feeling in the world than being in that conference center, standing with thousands of other followers of Christ as our beloved Prophet walks in the room. the whole feeling changes. the feeling of the conference center is amazing as it is, but when the Prophet and the Apostles walk into the room it instantly changes. I love everything about General Conference from the music to the speakers to the prayers that are said on our behalf.

Every time I think about General Conference I think of what I call the first General Conference. on April 6, 1830, in the small town of Fayette, NY on the Farm of Peter Whitmer. where The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints officially became a church. In 1830, you needed 6 people to become a church. and so, there were 6 men that officially that signed the paperwork to officially become a church.

The Restoration of The Gospel is very near and dear to my heart, as many of you already know but some may not, I was a missionary in western NY just over 10 years ago (2005-2007) and I served at the church historical sites there in Palmyra, which include the smith fam (incl, 2 homes and the sacred grove), the Book of Mormon publication site (the granin bldg), the Hill Cumorah and its visitors center, and the Peter Whitmer farm (visitors center, and Peter Whitmer Home) which I actually lived in an apartment on.

That beautiful day of April 6, 1830, is such a special day. there were several baptisms, the sacrament was passed, the Prophet Joseph Smith spoke. while, we  don't have baptisms happen anymore during General Conference, we still get to hear our current Prophet speak, and we get to feel that same spirit that those early members of the church were able to feel on that spring day.

this is a photo of the Peter Whitmer Home where the church was organized.

here is a podcast where they are speaking with Larry C. Porter. who we used to call the encyclopedia of church history. and I was lucky enough to serve with. he and his wife were some of the senior missionaries that I was lucky enough to serve with. I learned so much about church history from him. so, give this a listen, if you want to learn everything about the organization of the Church. It really is amazing the miracles that happened to help the Restoration happen, from the preparation of Young Joseph to receive The First Vision, to the miracles that had to happen for the translation of the Book of Mormon, to the organization of the Church on April 6, 1830.

here ya go :)

organization of the church

I know that this great historical event happened, I know that Joseph Smith was and is a Prophet of the Living god, and that Russell M. Nelson is our living Prophet today, and that the Lord speaks to us through his prophets and reveals great things through them.

I look forward to hearing from our prophet, and hearing of all the wonderful things that are happening to help the work of the Lord more forward.  I hope you all will be watching it also, and will feel of the spirit as our Prophet and Apostles and the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints speak to us. I look forward to next week, when I get to write about all the great things that are happened, are happening and are going to happen.

also, as most of you already know, tomorrow is the 1 years anniversary of the shooting here in Las Vegas, that claims the lives of 58 innocent people, and changed the lives of thousands of others. may we remember those lives lost, and changed that day forever. I thank my Heavenly Father every day that I was not there, as I was wanting to go, and had many friends that were there. but I last minute decided against it, and decided to go to Utah, to my mission reunion, and to conference instead. I had just gotten back into town when I got the call from a friend to turn on the news, and then helped a phone tree go on for a circle of friends that I have to make sure that everyone was ok, and lucky they were. every time I think about it, I think "I was supposed to be there, but by some divine intervention I was not" and I can't help but think that if I decided to o to the concert instead of going to Utah, I would not be here writing this today.

I love you all and I pray for you everyday. I know God lives, and that he loves every single one of us, and knows us and is there for us NO MATTER WHAT!

Good Night Everyone:)

Watch Conference Next weekend! if you don't know what time, channel, etc. here is the link to the church website where you can find all of that information, and sisters, don't forget that we have our General Women's meeting on Saturday evening.  :)

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Small Enough

So, I taught RS today for the first time in my current ward. it went over really well I think. at least I learned from the sisters in the discussion. and I hope they learned something as well.

I was called just a couple of weeks ago, funny story about that... I found out that I had been called after I was already sustained, haha my bishopric is somewhat new, and there have been several changes in my ward as of late. so each member of the bishopric thought that the other one had talked to me. well, nope. haha its ok though was going to accept it anyways, lol. I have never turned down a calling, I figure even if it is a calling that I don't necessarily want, it is a calling that the Lord thinks I need. and every single calling that I have had has helped me grow in one way or another. so, yeah, thats my funny calling story. haha

ok, so, back to todays lesson. I teach every fourth Sunday, so I teach on whatever subject the first presidency gives us for the 6 months. which is "ministering" through November, and then in December we start the new subject, whatever that may be.  im pretty excited to see what it will be.

all, they give us teachers for the fourth Sunday is basically a paragraph, with a quote, a scripture, and a couple of questions, the rest is up to us. we are to be led by the spirit on how the lesson will go. they want it to be more of a discussion than a lecture, which is how I like to teach anyways.

this week, was on being willing to accept ministering from others.  they have changed a few things in the church this year, as most of you probably know, but they have changed "visiting teaching" and "home teaching" to "ministering". there is no longer a specific way to do it, or a specific message to be shared, etc. it is more focused on the "gathering of Isreal" and helping eachother get through this life. I eellike this lesson today was for me. it is always hard  and has always been hard for me to accept help from others. im not totally sure why, probably because of pride. im not one to ask for help when I need it. it takes a lot for me to ask for pretty much anything.

the discussion today took a few different turns, and not only focused on accepting help, but know when to help, and to only acknowledging promptings when we get them, but following through on them, no matter how difficult they may be. we can do hard things. etc. one thing I shared was something that I wasn't planning on sharing, but I felt like I needed to share it.

I shared the following story from my mission.

When I was a young missionary, serving in Palmyra, NY. I was serving my shift at the Hill Cumorah Visitors Center at the time, and there was this older woman that walked in, she was the only one that walked in at the time, she had just happened to be driving on the Highway at the time, and saw the Statue of Moroni at the top of the hill, an then she saw the Christus statue through the window, she had come in and said that she had felt prompted to stop and that her late husband had worked on the construction of the statue of Moroni, that she was in town from Hawaii visiting, and she wanted to stop and see what all of this was. so, I preceded to take her into the Christus room to start the tour. it was still just the two of us, I played a recording for her of Christ speaking, and after the recording bore testimony of the Savior, and we sat and talked for a bit, as it had been a slow day, so there were now tours behind us. we went on with the tour, and went into the theatre room, where we watch "the restoration" video. it was about 20 minutes long, I had looked over and she was crying through the whole thing, I however was fighting with the Spirit on a prompting. the prompting was "ask her to be baptized" and I kept saying "no, its too soon" "no, I barely know her name" and just giving every excuse to not ask her. but I finally was able to get up the courage by the end of the video and I said to her "will you be baptized" just 4 little words, and much to my surprise she said "YES!" thats right! she said "YES!" im not sure what happened to her after that day, because she did not live in my area let alone my mission. all I could do was, have her fill out one of the referral cards that the sites have, and I put a little note on there telling the missionaries that were to teach her that she had already agreed to be baptized.

I pray that she was baptized, and that she shared her sweet spirit with everyone around her. The reason that I had shared that story with the sisters in Relief Society today, was because, we may not always know the outcome to the promptings that we have, we may not always know what happens next, but we still need to follow through on those promptings, as there is always a reason that they come to us, they could be for us to learn something, they could be for someone else. but there is always a reason

God Loves us, and he doesn't let stuff like that happen by chance. He is aware of us, he is aware of our situations. he knows us better than we know ourselves, he hears our prayers, even though we may not always know that, or receive an answer, he is always listening.

I was also set apart today for my callings, as an RS teacher and as the Young Women's Camp Director. and in that blessings he told me that he is always listening to my prayers, and that he loves me, and is aware of my situation (whatever it may be at the time) whether I know it or not. and to awlasy remember that he loves me.

I wanted to attach this song to this post, as it played on my way home tonight in the car, it talks about a woman and how she is praying just to know that God is there, she just wants to know that she is being heard, she doesn't "...need the strength of Sampson, or a chariot in the end, just want to know, that you know how many hairs are on my head, oh Great God, be small enough to hear me now"...

I hope that the spirit touches you as you listen to it, as much as it touches me every time it comes on. because sometimes, we are praying or big things, but sometimes we just want to know that there is a God and that he is aware of us, and knows who we are.

Sunday, June 17, 2018


This last week, I was thinking about my life, and I made few goals. 1 of those goals was to attend the temple more. It has been a while since I went to the House of the Lord, and did his work, and felt of the amazing spirit that is there as soon as I walk in. The Temple is like Heaven on earth. It is the place where we can be closer to God than anywhere else. it literally is the House of the Lord. It says on the outside of EVERY temple the sacred words "House of the Lord, Holiness to the Lord". It is impossible to be in a bad mood, or sad, or depressed, etc. while in the temple. I love the peace that I feel as soon as I see it when driving up the street, let alone when I walk in the doors.
so, it is a new goal of mine to attend the temple every week,. I will be setting out a day every week to make time for the Lord and attend the Temple.  I am so blessed here in Las Vegas to have a temple so close, and yet I have made every excuse as to why I have not attended. it is time to cut the excuses, and make time. drive the 30 min to the most beautiful place in this whole city. I know that as I do, my life we be 10x better than it already is. here is a little video on what the temple is and what we do in the temple. I hope you all enjoy, and if any of your reading this have a Temple recommend, you are welcome to join me in going to the temple, if you can't go with me, I would urge you to go, go as often as you can.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

A New Day

so, I know I haven't posted in a while. I was on my way home tonight from a fireside, and I was listening to some church music on my drive, and a song called "a new day" came on by Jessie Clark Funk. and I had the thought, "I should start up my blog again" so, here I am doing it.

Anyways, the song is about how a new day is born everyday. and how it promises to bring us light and life.

the second verse of this song, talks about the first vision, and how Joseph Smith woke up one morning, in the spring of 1820 and it was just an ordinary day, and then something extraordinary happened. something that changed the world. the first vision happened. the single most important event that has happened in the last 200 + years. where a 14 year boy (Joseph Smith) woke up one spring morning, and walked into the grove of trees behind his home, and asked God which church was true.

lets rewind a little bit. one night Joseph was reading in the Bible as he often did, and he read James chapter 1: 5-6 "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed." I love verse 6, it tells us to not only ask but ask in faith. and that is exactly what Joseph did. he not only asked God, but he asked in faith. he asked with the simple faith of a 14 year old boy. 
so, basically what im trying to say, is we should way up everyday, with the knowledge that it is a new day, and that new day is a gift from a loving Heavenly Father. and that although we may wake up, feeling like it is an ordinary day, it has the potential to become something extraordinary! if we are willing to make it that way. we have the Gospel because Joseph Smith woke up that morning, with the faith that something extraordinary could happen, and it did. 
here is a link to that song, it is such a great song, and has such a great message! 
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. and remember every day is a new day that has the potential to become extraordinary.