Monday, February 9, 2015


hello everyone! i apologize for not posting last week. i was just handing out with some friends talking til late and didgt get a chance to post before bed. but tonight is going to be a good one. today was my last sunday in the singles ward. i start going to the family ward from now on. i have officiallt flunked out of the singles ward. haha im ready though. i think itll be good, it is time to close this chapter of my life and open a new one. who knows maybe the family ward is where i will meet my husband, you know all those people wanna set people up with other single people. it is a small world, especially in the church. anyways, on to the gospel part of this post. today was also my last lesson in gospel doctrine. it was a great one to teach too. i taught on luke 4, 5, and 6 and matthew 10. which is when Jesus confesses that he is the messiah, and then calls himself disciples and from those disciples he calls apostles. we talked about the responibilities of the apostles and how they are the same today as the ywere then. we also talked about the difference between disciples and apostles. a disciple is a "follower of Christ" and an apostle is someone who is called to be a "special witness of Christ" nothing has hcanged from the church that christ set up when he was on the earth to today with the latter-day church. the only thing that has changed is the people that are called to those positions. becasue lets face it people arent mortal forever!

here are some of the responsibilities of apostles according to Matthew chapter 10
  1. a. 
    They have power to heal the spiritually and physically sick (verse 1).
  2. b. 
    They are sent to the lost sheep of Israel to preach that the kingdom of heaven is at hand (verses 6–7).
  3. c. 
    They are to use their priesthood power to bless and heal people (verse 8).
  4. d. 
    They are to seek out those who are prepared to hear the gospel (verses 11–14).
  5. e. 
    They are to teach as guided by the Spirit (verses 19–20).
  6. f. 
    They are to give their lives entirely to the Savior’s work (verse 39).
  7. where would we be without apostles? i mean they lead us and guide us more than we could ever imagine. you wanna know the role of an apostle watch this video by one of our own apostles David A Bednar 

until next week!

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