Sunday, November 15, 2015

plan of happiness/plan of salvation

    so, i apologize for not updating for a while life has been kinda crazy lately. my baby/dog "Minnie" is very sick. i have taken her to 2 different vets, the first one just gave me some antibiotics and sent me on my way, the second one said she had pneumonia really bad. and treatment is too expensive so I'm trying to treat her at home with better antibiotics and lots and lots of love and we will see what the outcome is. i love her so much but if she is supposed to go then she is supposed to go and i have embraced that. because all dogs go to heaven right? i think so.
    anyways, on to the plan of salvation. last week my mother was visiting my grandparents in their assisted living home and my grandmother said to her "I'm going to see my mom and dad soon" which makes me think that she is going to pass through the veil soon and be on the other side with her parents and the rest of our loved ones that have passed on. i am so grateful for the Gospel and knowing what we know and for the great plan of happiness or Salvation. we know the we chose all of this before we came here to earth. we know that there was a great war in heaven long before the earth was created.
     we know that there were 2 plans created and Lucifer's and Christs. Lucifer's plan was that we would all make it back to our Heavenly Father that we would have no choice in the matter. and Christs plan was that we would come to earth, that we would have a wonderful thing called agency. that we would be able to choose our way back home. by a majority vote we chose the latter of the two and chose Christs plan. unfortunately there was a third of the host of heaven that chose to follow Lucifer or Satan. there fore they were denied the blessings of coming to earth and receiving a body and participating in this wonderful plan and eventually gaining eternal life and making it back home.     so, we made it here to earth everyone on earth kept their first estate. now, it is up to us to keep our second estate. which means making the right choices, being baptized into the church of Jesus Christ by the proper authority (the priesthood) and making the amazing covenants that we make in the temple. the temple is the closest that we can be to heaven here in earth. it truly is the house of the Lord. it is the one place that we can be sealed to our families forever. when we are married/sealed in the temple we are sealed together for eternity not just til death do us part. it is so comforting in times like this to know that we can be with our families and our loved ones even after death. that we do go somewhere after we die. therefore we are less afraid of death.
the spirit world is so close. we know that it is also here, that the spirit world is around us. it is not a different universe or place. they are all around us, watching over us. so, it comes to no surprise that many of those that pass on, often see their loved ones that have passed on before them as they go.
ex: Emma Smiths last words before she died were "Joseph, Joseph, I'm coming, I'm coming" and my grandmother knowing that she is going to see her parents soon. as heartbreaking as it is for us here on earth, i can only imagine that it is a lovely reunion with the loved ones that have passed on before us.
it is very comforting to know what we know about death and the resurrection and the afterlife and what we can have if we only choose what we know is right and choose to follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ. like Alma says "if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear"
      so today's lesson is, let us prepare for the last days, let us not procrastinate the day of our repentance. because today is the day to prepare to meet God. therefore let us live everyday as if we were going to see our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in the flesh.
i know that as we do, we will be prepared to receive the blessings that we chose to come here and work so hard to receive. that we will be able to live with our Heavenly Father and our loved ones again. as hard as it gets we can still choose to do what we have to do to get what want the most.
and i say this in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Happy Sunday everyone!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

women in the scriptures

so a questions was raised. why are there not more women named in the Book of Mormon?
well, i believe that some women do not need to be names in the scriptures. but i also believe that maybe, while writing the scriptures the Lord and those prophets knew that there were going to be people that would do everything that they could to discredit the Book of Mormon and its truthfulness. and part of doing so they were going to try to discredit and us the names of those mentioned in it, and they loved their wives and mothers so much that they wanted to give those people little room to say anything about them. i believe that is also why we don't hear much mentioned about or know the name of our Heavenly Mother. i believe that our Heavenly Father knew that people were going to take his name in vain (even though they would be breaking a commandment) and he loves our Heavenly Mother so much that he did not want that to happen to her.
i get so tired of people talking about how women don't get the credit they deserve in the scriptures and in the church. but in reality we get a lot more credit with things than the men do. we get praised every time the leaders speak about the women in the church. our Heavenly Father and our Leaders hold us women so high and love us so much. but sometimes we let society get to us and lead us to believe that is not the case. i urge all of you to as you watch conference in a month and listen to our leaders, try to count how many times women are talked about and held at high esteem by them.
I know that our Heavenly Father loves us women so much. and i hope that all of you other sisters in the world will come to realize that.
i have found a great article on women in the book of Mormon. and it has actually inspired me to read the Book of Mormon looking for things like she did in this article.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

small enough

so, i haven't been on here in quite a while. I've been seriously slacking! I'm sorry about that.
so, I'm sitting here watching the movie "Charly" trying to figure out what i was going to write about tonight. and i thought about today's lesson in young women's. about families. so, tonight i am going to write about how families can be together forever!
there is a line in the movie that says "God didn't promise that i would live, he promised that we would be together forever" that line is so touching to me. marriage has been a difficult topic for me for a few years now. since i am getting older, and it is seeming more and more probable that i will not get married. i pray everyday that i will meet my husband that day. and i try to trust in the Lord and his timing, but sometimes it is just so difficult. one thing i know is that my Heavenly Father loves me and he is mindful of me, and as hard as it is sometimes to swallow. i know that i will meet the man of my dreams. and as for now i will be the best daughter, sister, aunt, niece, granddaughter etc. that i can be. i know that families can and will be together forever!!! i know that with all my heart.
there is another line in this movie that touches my heart, when Charly is baptized they are at the christus at temple square and she says " you believe it, Don't you? and he says, No... I Know it"  some times i ask why, we all do, sometimes God doesn't tell us why. sometimes we will never know why, sometimes we just need to trust that He knows what he is doing and we are following his guidance.
i know that we were not put here to walk this earth alone. we have the one that knows us better than we know ourselves to walk with us everyday if we will have him. President Monson's talk here is about that and how we can always pray to him and he Will be there. We will NEVER be alone. 

there is a song by Mindy Gledhill that i found on my mission. that whenever i am feeling alone and that i don't know if he is with me or cares. i like to listen to it. i say this prayer, just to know that he is here. "...i don't need the strength of Samson, or Chariot in the end, just want to know that you still know how many hairs are on my head, Oh great God, Be small enough to hear me now..." 

i know that he always was, is , and will be with me throughout my life. i know that he does the same for you. i know that we can be with our families and those we love forever! i know He lives, and that he loves us, and that we may not always know "why" but we must trust that he does and that he knows what he is doing.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

are we not all mothers?

first i want to apologize i haven't gotten on here in quite a while. i will be better at it.

ok, so it was mothers day this last Sunday. part of this post is very personal and i don't talk about it much but today i am going to in hopes that it may help someone else realize that they are not alone.

 my whole life all I've ever wanted is to be a mother, but obviously my plan has not worked out as i planned, i can only hope that my Heavenly Father has something spectacular in store for me. i always joked about the fact that Alvin Smith is waiting for me on the other side of the Vail. the older i get the truer that statement feels. although i would not mind marrying Alvin Smith, I'm not sure i can wait that long. it is hard for me to see my best friends getting married and having children. i don't think some people realize how hard it really is. i don't let them see how hard it is for me. i pretend that it doesn't bother me too much, but really it does. not being a wife and a mother is one of the hardest things, actually its probably the hardest thing I've had to deal with in my life. in November i want to time out for women with my mom and sisters and my aunt Cheryl. it was amazing! it was something that i really needed. Sheri Dew was there and gave the most amazing talk. it hit me hard and helped me a lot. she talked about how she has fasted and prayed every month for a husband for 50 years. and how there was one conference when she was in the General Relief Society that she had to write a talk and was inspired to talk on mothers, she thought i am not a mother how am i supposed to write a talk on mothers. and then she wrote one of the most amazing talks called "are we not all mothers" here it is:
if someone as amazing as Sheri Dew can live her life with out marriage. i can get through it to. it is just something that some of have to go through. all we need to do is turn our burden over to the Lord, so that he can help us carry the load that is to heavy to bear.

now on a happier not, my mother is one of the most amazing people i know and the mother that was sculpted and molded especially for me and my siblings. there is no doubt in my mind that she was meant to be my mother and i was meant to be her daughter. i hope that all of my siblings feel the same way. we (all 9 of us) have put her through the ringer, some days i am surprised that she has survived. and some days that we survived. he he i mad this slide show for her on mothers day and put it to this song. i heard this song and thought it was very fitting for her. every bit of it describes her. i hope she knows how amazing she is and how much i love and appreciate her and hope to one day be the kind of mother that she is. i love you mom!

Sunday, April 5, 2015


this weekend is not only conference but it is also easter. there is not a better way to celebrate the resurrection of Christ then listen to his special witnesses bear witness of him. i dont have much to say today because everything that i would say is summed up in one talk. Elder Hollands talk was amazing as usual! i absolutely love the story that he shared about the 2 brother rock climbing. and thought it was amazing how he spoke of Adam and Eve. and of the fact that it is so completely centered on our Savior Jesus Christ and his Atonement. so here it is just in case you missed it and if you didnt then watch it still because you cant listen to it enough. also i wanted to post the video that the church made to celebrate easter this year.
May we remember our Savior Jesus Christ and the sacrifice that he made for us in the Garden of
Gethsemane, and that he Rose from the dead so
that we may rise for the dead and live in our
mansion above. Happy Easter everyone!
#becausehelives i can face tomorrow!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

follow the prophet

today i went out to Logandale and wen to to church at my sisters ward. my niece just so happened to be speaking in primary:) she did so good! she spoke on following the prophet. and with conference coming up i thought it would be a good topic for tonight's post.

why should we follow the prophet?
here are just a few reasons.
1. because he communications directly with God on what the church needs
the prophets full time job is to be in constant communication with God, he talks to him all day every day. he doesn't get any time off from being the prophet. being a prophet is full time job and it is not easy.
2. Christs church is built on the foundation of prophets and apostles. if we did not have a prophet on the earth today. i can tell you it would not be organized, we would not be able to do the things that do now without any direction. for example, you have seen the difference between children that grow up with parents that lead and guide them, and those that don't have those parents. sometime they find their way but it takes them much longer and it is much harder. God is very organized and always has been.
3. the Prophet is not allowed to lead us astray. if the prophet were to tell us to do something that was against Gods will. he would not allow him to be the prophet anymore.
Preach my Gospel states: those who listen to and follow the counsel of living prophets and apostles will not go astray. the teaching s of the living prophets provide and anchor of eternal truth in a world of shifting values and help us avoid misery and sorry. the confusion and strife of the world will not overwhelm us, and we an enjoy the assurance of being in harmony with God's will.
so, as we watch the prophets and apostles speak this coming weekend may we keep those and many more reasons to follow the prophet in mind. i know that we have a prophet on the each to day that will NEVER lead us astray, i know that he will only lead us to God, and to do right.
please watch conference this weekend and keep an open heart to everything that he says. i know i will:)
Happy Sunday and have a great week!

Monday, March 23, 2015

"A sinner cannot the sinner punish"

first off, I apologize for not posting last week. I totally thought I did because I had it all planned in my head, but I guess I never out my thoughts to paper per say. oops!
today I spoke in church and I wanted to post my talk here for all who were not there to read. I mean it wont be the same because I added thoughts with the spirit but this is what I wrote. I hope you like it:)

"a sinner cannot the sinner punish"
When our hearts are filled with the love of God, we become "kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving"

We have all been in situations where we have been negatively affected by something someone said or did. where we have been hurt by a friend, or family member, or even stranger.

Are we to forgive someone that hurts us? absolutely!

Have you ever been affected by the destructive spirit of contention? of resentment? of revenge? I would imagine we all have at one time or another in our lives. whether it be within ourselves or someone we have come into contact with.

When we are feeling that way it is all too easy to judge others, often telling ourselves that their motives were something other than good so that we can justify our own feelings of resentment.

Is it wrong to do this? YES!

We all depend on our savior Jesus Christ and his atonement to make it through this life. we all sin, we have all offended someone in our lives whether it be on purpose or not. we need to forgive others of their trespasses.

Elder Uchdorpf stated "this topic of judging others could actually be taught in a two-word sermon. When it comes to hating, gossiping, ignoring, ridiculing, holding grudges, or wanting to cause harm, please apply the following : STOP IT!"

It really is that simple, we need to stop judging others and replaces those judgemental thoughts with Love. we are all brothers and sisters we must be as these 3 examples. we must be especially like JESUS CHRIST. we must fill our hearts with love, because when we fill our hearts with love there is no room for contention, resentment, revenge. there is no room for judging, because we will be too busy loving.

There are several examples of forgiveness in the scriptures.

I would like to talk about 3 examples from the scriptures of forgiveness and mercy unto others.

1. Nephi- Nephi was a perfect example of forgiving others as Christ forgives us. for example, his brothers tried to hurt him and even kill him on several occasions. in Nephi Chapter 7 he exhorts his brothers to have faith. and they just were not having it, they bound him in the wilderness to leave him to be eaten by wild beasts. yet he was freed according to his faith, and they're hearts were softened and they asked for forgiveness.

In verses20-21 we read

 20 And it came to pass that they were sorrowful, because of their wickedness, insomuch that they did bow down before me, and did plead with me that I would forgive them of the thing that they had done against me.

21 And it came to pass that I did frankly forgive them all that they had done, and I did exhort them that they would pray unto the Lord their God for forgiveness. And it came to pass that they did so.

It seems like it must have been difficult for Nephi to forgive his brothers for the sin that they had committed unto him. but I don't think it was, I think his heart was filled with the pure love of Christ therefore he was able to forgive his brothers time and time again, as the continued to try to hurt him and leave him for dead.

2. the woman that was taken in adultery- in John chapter 8 we read of this woman that was brought before Christ and when the pharisees and the scribes brought her before him they said "Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?"

And Christ replied with the simples words "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."
All of those men that brought her before the lord walked away, one by one. knowing that none of them were without sin. and they walked away because they knew that they were not without sin. they were touched by the words that came out of Christ's mouth. and when they were gone Christ asked the woman, "where are thine accusers? hath no man accused thee?" and she said "no, ma lord" Christ then said "neither do i condemn thee, Go, and sin no more"

Our 3rd and greatest example of forgiveness and mercy is JESUS CHRIST himself. he was mocked, scourged, beaten, and Eventually killed. He was never filled with resentment, or contention, or revenge, toward those his accusers. in fact, he bled from every pore for them, he atones for the very sins that they were committing against him. and some of the last words out of his mouth before he died were "father forgive them for they know not what they do" how great of an example do we have in our savior JESUS CHRIST. he is the great exemplar of pure Love for all and mercy toward all men, not just those. he is merciful to all men, because he loves us, all of us. Jesus said it is easy to love those who love us, even the wicked can do that, but he taught a higher law one that we all must obey. he said " Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you." just as Christ forgave those that hated, cursed and despitefully used and persecuted him, so must we. for he said "I the Lord will forgive who I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men"
Elder Uchdorpf gave us a self-test with a few questions:

Do you harbor a grudge against someone else?

Do you gossip, even when what you say may be true?

Do you exclude, push away, or punish others because of something they have done?

Do you secretly envy another?

Do you wish to cause harm to someone?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, he said you may want to apply that two-word sermon "stop it!"


My grandfather wrote a poem called Rsentment it reads:

If you wish to measure men's ascent
To God, examine the things they resent.
Resentment is a good barometer
Of how well measure in gods micrometer.

Each day on life's highway resnters scorn
Tolerance. announcing with a horn
Their deficiency in spiritual progress.
Unaware that with each blast they regress.

Many call themselves Christians whose pursuit
Of resentment is carried to law suit.
Some will self righteously holler and shout
At every offense while others will just pout.

At what expense do we collect a debt?
If god forgets ours we too best forget.
Remember the rule and quickly repent,
"God will not forgive us while debts we resent."

Perhaps we resent another man's wealth,
His job, his talent, his luck, or his health.
It matters not what form or shape it takes,
Resentment applies our spiritual brakes.

The air is much purer above rancor.
Those who cast loose this demeaning anchor
Don't squander a future with god to be spent
By justifying the things men resent.

 However valid or just your claim,
If you allow others to defame and shame
You placing your pride on the alter
As a sacrifice then with a halter
Of love subdue any vengeful wish,
Saying, "a sinner cannot a sinner punish."
God will accept your life's testament,
If you will forego the mind to resent.

In a world of accusations and judgement, before we start casting stones, let us remember those words Christ spake to the pharisees and scribes "he that is without sin, let him first cast a stone"

I know that as we put down the stones and remember to fill our hearts with love one to another, we will forgive others of their trespasses towards us, and we wont judge others for we are all sinners. we are all imperfect. we are all working towards the same goal. i hope that we can all remember that "a sinner cannot a sinner punish" may we all love others as he loves us.

I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. amen.



Monday, March 9, 2015


so, as you all know, i am now the second counselor in the young womens presidency. i have decided that along with my girls i am going to be doing personal progress, and work toward getting my medalion again. the program has changed twice since i was in young womens, so i'm really excited to do it too. i also think it will help get them motivated to do theirs, and it will motivate me too. its been a long time, since young womens for me. i was getting my medallion when my beehives were being born. it makes me feel old, haha. but it shows how much things have changed in the past 18 years. they have added a value (virtue) and also added the part that says "strengthen home and family" to the end.
the new theme reads:
this years theme for the youth is D&C 4:2

so we are focusing on service. i know that as we serve others we are serving God and as we serve with all our heart, might, mind, and strength, we will stand blameless before him at the last day. i do not want to be standing before my savior at the last day and have to tell him that i didnt do all that i could to serve his people and follow him. whether it be physical service, or missionary service etc...

my mother is an amazing example of serving others. she is constantly serving others. for example this past week my grandmother (her mother) who is in her 80s fell in the shower and broke her hip and my mom has been by her side through everything, she has been at the hospital for countless hours taking care of her and making sure she and my grandpa are alright. my gandma hd to have surgery and my mom was ther before she went in and she was there when she woke up. she took several days off work to be by her side, and this will go on for up to another month while she is in rehab. she takes care of both of them all the time anyways but even more right now. they live in assisted living and need rides to dr appts, company, etc. and she is always there.
another example is when i broke my foot a few years ago, i was 27 years old and my mother never left my side, she didnt just give me a ride to the dr and leave me there, she was at every drs appt. she was the last one i saw before the surgery and the first one i saw when i woke up. while i had pins in my foot i lived for a month at my parents house in their guest bedroom. and she took care of me, she took me to and from work, drs appts etc. and she always made sure that i was ok and was doing what the dr told me to do. she is one of the most aring human beings that have everlived on this earth, although it goes unappreciated a lot. i hope she knows that i appreciate all that she does and has ever done for me and for my family.
i hope that i can be the kind of person and mother that she is one day when i have children and a family (hpefully) I Love you MOM!!!!!! i hope you know that!

until next week!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

what is the Atonement?

so, I've been seriously slacking on updating this thing! but i am doing it today. just to update you on some things in my life these last couple weeks.
last week was my first Sunday in the family ward. i am in the haven ward here in Las Vegas.
i got a calling before my records were even in the ward, which is great:) and its my favorite calling so far. i am the 2nd counselor in the young women's presidency, i absolutely love it! i cant say that enough. i am over the beehives (girls ages 12-13) they are adorable.
i was thinking the other day about the switch to the new ward, and i  thought to myself, "if you would've asked me 2 years ago if i would like going to the family ward, i would say HECK NO! but i have since changed my mind," people ask me why don't you go to the mid singles ward? and my answer is simply this, that i know that this is exactly where i need to be! and i where i want to be. i am over the whole feel of the singles ward. i will go to activities and such of course but i know that the haven ward is where i need to be.

anyways, today was my second Sunday in the ward and i already taught young women's. i taught on the atonement. it actually went really well. i think the girls enjoyed it and were able to get something out of it also. what is the atonement? well the bible dictionary says this...


The word describes the setting “at one” of those who have been estranged and denotes the reconciliation of man to God. Sin is the cause of the estrangement, and therefore the purpose of atonement is to correct or overcome the consequences of sin. From the time of Adam to the death of Jesus Christ, true believers were instructed to offer animal sacrifices to the Lord. These sacrifices were symbolic of the forthcoming death of Jesus Christ and were done by faith in Him (Moses 5:5–8).

thought the atonement we have a way to return to our heavenly father, the atonement is the only way to get where we would like to be. it is a gift given to us with love to use to gain eternal life. through Christs atonement we will always have someone that knows  how we feel, we always have someone in our lives to turn to in our times of need.
in Alma chapter 7 verses 11-13 it talks about the reasons for the atonement, it reads:

11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.
 12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.
 13 Now the Spirit knoweth all things; nevertheless the Son of God suffereth according to the flesh that he might take upon him the sins of his people, that he might blot out their transgressions according to the power of his deliverance; and now behold, this is the testimony which is in me.
it gives me comfort knowing that my Savior loves me so much that he would bleed great drops of blood from every pore so that i would not need to suffer, so that he could succor ME, so that he would know how to help ME, so that I can return to my heavenly father. and because he loves ME! he loves ME so much that he would die for me! its hard to fathom that someone would love not only me but everyone that ever has or ever will live upon this earth. i feel like i would be sinning if i were to not use it. i feel like i would be disappointing my Heavenly Father and my Savior if i were to not use this incredible gift that has been given to all of us to use. 
as we come upon this Easter season may we remember our Savior and the love that he has for us, the love that he had for us when he walked into the garden to bleed great drops of blood for US! may we take upon us his name and stand as witnesses of him at ALL time and in ALL thing and in ALL places that we may stand blameless before God at the last day! 
i absolutely love the videos that the church puts out. here are the 2 that i used in my lesson today. one is a bible video that depicts the act of the atonement and the second is the testimony of Elder Holland about the atonement. they are both amazing and i hope that you enjoy them and feel the spirit and become more grateful for our Savior as you read this blog and watch these beautiful videos. 

Monday, February 9, 2015


hello everyone! i apologize for not posting last week. i was just handing out with some friends talking til late and didgt get a chance to post before bed. but tonight is going to be a good one. today was my last sunday in the singles ward. i start going to the family ward from now on. i have officiallt flunked out of the singles ward. haha im ready though. i think itll be good, it is time to close this chapter of my life and open a new one. who knows maybe the family ward is where i will meet my husband, you know all those people wanna set people up with other single people. it is a small world, especially in the church. anyways, on to the gospel part of this post. today was also my last lesson in gospel doctrine. it was a great one to teach too. i taught on luke 4, 5, and 6 and matthew 10. which is when Jesus confesses that he is the messiah, and then calls himself disciples and from those disciples he calls apostles. we talked about the responibilities of the apostles and how they are the same today as the ywere then. we also talked about the difference between disciples and apostles. a disciple is a "follower of Christ" and an apostle is someone who is called to be a "special witness of Christ" nothing has hcanged from the church that christ set up when he was on the earth to today with the latter-day church. the only thing that has changed is the people that are called to those positions. becasue lets face it people arent mortal forever!

here are some of the responsibilities of apostles according to Matthew chapter 10
  1. a. 
    They have power to heal the spiritually and physically sick (verse 1).
  2. b. 
    They are sent to the lost sheep of Israel to preach that the kingdom of heaven is at hand (verses 6–7).
  3. c. 
    They are to use their priesthood power to bless and heal people (verse 8).
  4. d. 
    They are to seek out those who are prepared to hear the gospel (verses 11–14).
  5. e. 
    They are to teach as guided by the Spirit (verses 19–20).
  6. f. 
    They are to give their lives entirely to the Savior’s work (verse 39).
  7. where would we be without apostles? i mean they lead us and guide us more than we could ever imagine. you wanna know the role of an apostle watch this video by one of our own apostles David A Bednar 

until next week!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

matthew chapter 8

hey everyone! i apologize for not posting last week. i totally forgot to post Sunday. then i meant to post Monday to make it up and totally forgot that and before you know it. its Sunday again.
well its Sunday and my birthday which means its a good day.
today i was at my parents house and we were hanging out for my birthday and i stayed for scripture study. they are studying the new testament and are in Matthew. they read Matthew 8 which is the chapter where Christ heals the lepers, calms the tempest storm, and casts out devils into swine.
i want to talk about casting out the devils. there was a war in heaven where 1/3rd of the host of heaven followed Satan and they will never receive a mortal body, which is what they want more than anything. they will do anything they can to possess a body which is why they went into the swine. we need to be careful what we let in. Satan and his followers know us they knew us when we were all together in heaven. they are very good at tempting us. we always something that we have over Satan and his followers. we have a body! we need to surround ourselves with people and influences that influence us for good not bad. i know that when we have the Holy Ghost with us as our companion those "devils" can not be there. I'm sorry that its so short tonight but its pretty much short sweet and to the point. just know that Satan can not be where there is good. and if for some reason you ever come in contact with one of those evil spirits, just bring your right arm to the square and command them the leave in the name of Jesus Christ, and they will HAVE to leave. hopefully you never come in contact with any of them. always stay worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost.
now to end one of my favorite quotes in the world is....
always remember that there is one thing that you will always have over Satan and his followers.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Joseph, the earthly father of Christ

so, today's post is going to be on our Sunday school lesson from today. mainly about what a great man Joseph the carpenter (Christ's earthly father) was/is.  we went over Matt 1/ Luke 1 today. and talked about when the angel came to Elisabeth and Zacharias. and Mary and Joseph.
Now, Joseph was of Royal blood. and when he found out that Mary was pregnant, and according to the law he could have accused her of violating the marriage covenant and brought her to a public trial. such a trial could have resulted in a death sentence. Rather than do this, he decided to release her privately from the marriage contract. this was before the angel has appeared to him to tell him that Mary was pregnant with the son of god. there could not have been a better man chosen to help raise Jesus Christ, the Son of God. i could not imagine if Joseph would have gone with the law and gone through with the trial. what would have happened? have you ever thought of that? i hadn't until today in Sunday school. and that made me think what an amazing man Joseph was! and how we are all part of something bigger. Just as Joseph was part of something bigger and made a decision that changed his life forever and would've taken a completely different turn, so do we make decision everyday that change our lives for good or for bad, depending on the what we choose. if Joseph had decided to turn Mary in the whole plan of the Father would have been ruined. Oh how great the goodness of our God! that he can help us make decisions everyday in our lives just as Joseph made. we would not have the opportunity to return to our heavenly father if Joseph had not had the love for Mary and the influence of the holy ghost to help him make the decision that he did to not send Mary to trial.
i have attached the genealogy of Jesus Christ through Joseph.
Matthew 1:1–17 begins the Gospel, "A record of the origin of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham: Abraham begot Isaac…" and continues on until "…and Jacob begot Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Christ."

Monday, January 5, 2015

Go in peace

hey everyone! I'm so sorry that i didn't post yesterday but i was out with the missionaries, and as soon as i left them i got a call from my mom saying that my grandpa was getting taken to the hospital via ambulance, and she was in St George and couldn't be there so she asked me to go be with my grandparents while in the er. so, i went and sat with them in the er for about 5 hours, just to find out that my grandpa's test results all came back clear. and he could go home. so i am happy to announce that he is home and well. he just had a little fever. nothing was wrong with him as far as anyone knows. :)
now on the scriptures.
so, this year in gospel doctrine we are starting the New Testament. i am so excited to be teaching it. i am especially excited to be teaching the parables. we have been doing scripture study during the week for the last few months as friends. we have done all of the parables, it has been so fun to have a study group during the week to help keep the spirit with us during the week and not just on Sundays.
what are your favorite scriptures from the New Testament? i have a couple, i love the scripture where the harlot is brought before Christ and is about to be stoned, and then Christ tell the the scribes and pharisees that are about to stone her " He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."  then he asked her "Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?" and she said "No man, Lord. "And Jesus said unto her, Neither do Icondemn thee: go, and sin no more." that scripture teaches so much a bout thinking that we are better than anyone else. and teaching us to love others and not be so quick to judge but help those that struggle to change, and to come unto the Lord. it teaches us to forgive others of their trespasses, and love them as he has loved them.
my other favorite story in the New Testament is of the woman that is sick and no one will go near her, and all she wants to do is touch the robe of Jesus Christ and she knows that if she can just touch his robe she will be healed.  
Mark 5:25-34 "25 And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years,26 And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.28 For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole 29 And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague 30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?31 And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me? 32 And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing 33 But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague." this scripture is such an example of faith. this woman had such incredible faith that by only touching the garment of Jesus Christ she knew that she would be healed. i want to have such faith. this woman has always been such an inspiration to me. it just goes to show how faith can work within you and as long as you have enough faith miracles can happen. such as being healed of a 12 year long blood disease. there is a beautiful song by Jessie Clark Funk that talks about this amazing woman it is one of my favorite songs, so here it is. 
til next Sunday!